Open棟梁 wiki


September 12, 2014


We conducted Tech Talk program session on Touryo Framework.

The program was successful.

During the session we got some good feedback.

And also we have come across many questions and suggestions from the users on Touryo.

Below are the list of questions and suggestions by the user.

User asked for stored procedure support in Automatic screen generation

It is not too difficult if extend the automatic generation of free SQL.

How to improve the scalability of the existing applications?

To combine with existing applications is difficult.

Is the framework supports better UI controls? Suggestion was from user is to provide Better UI controls(like Telerik controls)

It supports custom control with editing functions and check function of the input.

I think I try to consider the development if there is a demand for Telerik control.

But I believe that is realistic to procure third-party products at the moment.

How much efforts it takes a developer to understand and use framework in their application

.Net developer can understand how to use it if he complete the tutorial.

Tutorial can be completed in about two days.

Is framework supports for shield installation or only provides libraries?

Only provides libraries.

Because I do not feel the need for shield installation at the moment.

Does developer need to add references manually to each and every application which uses Touryo?


Is it necessary to have same folder structure for every application?

no. There is no contracts to folder structure.

What are the limitations of framework and How to overcome from the same?

It is designed in consideration of general versatility.

Also it is possible to customize the base class 2 for overcome.

Therefor, There is not almost constraint.

Some restrictions is described in the User's Guide.

Does Dynamic parameterized query slow down the performance ? since it has to read XML files and parse it to SQL.

Tag number is too large beyond the 100, overhead increases.

It is not suitable for batch applications that process data in large quantities.

For this reason, the use of another component in this case.

What are the Other frameworks which we can compare with Touryo ? And how its stands different from other frameworks.

(1) Comparison does not exist so much.

It, because the stack is different.
For example, the following list is a framework of lower stack.

(2) OpenTouryo whole is present in the upper stack.

#EUC: END User computing (development)

(3) The difference between EUC tool.

The following is a list of some EUC tools.

OpenTouryo is different in the following points when compared to the above EUC tool.

(4) Marketing.

Therefore, a clear conflict does not exist because the STP is different.

(5) Difficulty of description.

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